As your closing date approaches, you'll want to be sure to stay in good contact with your Loan Officer. Although you've purchased a house and gone through the closing process before, you want to make sure the refinance process goes smoothly as well. Being aware and prepared will always pay off in the end.
Next: Chapter 4
As your closing date approaches, you'll want to be sure to stay in good contact with your Loan Officer. Although you've purchased a house and gone through the closing process before, you want to make sure the refinance process goes smoothly as well. Being aware and prepared will always pay off in the end.
- Documents: Verify that you have the documentation needed to move forward into closing.
- Credit: Review your credit history. To make sure you have good credit standing, refresh yourself on how your credit score is derived and also ways to keep your credit clean.
- Insurance: Confirm that your insurance policies provide appropriate coverage for your home's value and contents. Also double check that the policy reflects the name of your refinance lender as the payee for losses.
- Rate: Consult with your SymbolicLending Loan Officer about locking in your interest rate before you close. Landing on a rate before you close will provide protection for you if rates should rise before your closing date.
- Escrow: Examine your current loan's escrow account and determine if a surplus or deficiency of funds exists.
- Closing Costs: Arrange to bring to your closing appointment a cashiers' check made out with the exact amount you'll need.
Next: Chapter 4